Man, a work of art made in the image of God
Man, a work of art made in the image of God, was created to give glory to his Creator. The Music & Worship Ministry of Carrollwood Baptist Church uses the artistic talents found in this fellowship to glorify the Lord and to lead our congregation in worship. Here, we give all ages the opportunity to improve their skills, focus their motivation, and then dedicate every presentation as an act of worship to the “Giver of All Good Things.”
Sunday is a special time at CBC
Sunday is a special time at CBC as our church family gathers together for meaningful times of worship, study, and fellowship. Through the language of music and drama, we worship by expressing to God our adoration, our love, our weaknesses and our needs. Through the preaching and study of scripture we worship as we hear His voice speak to our hearts. And through our fellowship we worship as God’s people and encourage one another.
God has given each of us different expressive gifts. We devote our energies to helping each other discover those gifts and finding a place to use them and to present them as a gift to the One who loves us most.
If you are interested in joining our amazing team of volunteers, you can visit our “Serve page,” or contact us by Phone at 813-962-3214 or email the Music Ministry office for additional information.